Benegicial Effects of Glutamine

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Glutamine is one of the most important amino acid present in human body. About 60% protein that we take is converted into Glutamine for easy assimilation. Amino acid is the building block of protein. Our body needs protein to repair muscle damage as well as to increase the muscle bulk. However, over the years, we have come to know more about Glutamine. This information proves that Glutamine is almost indispensable of our body.

Apart from the muscle building property, Glutamine plays a major role in heart, nervous system, digestion, immunity and detoxification. Glutamine acts as the principal source of energy for the cardiac endothelial cells. They also inhibit the synthesis of nitric oxide. This chemical can affect the tone of blood vessels. By preventing the nitric oxide synthesis, they also prevent atherosclerosis.

Glutamine also has a significant effect on the nervous system. Studies that reveal more about Glutamine says, they help in improving mood, concentration as well as memory. This Amino Acid can pass the blood brain barrier. When the blood sugar gets low, they are converted into energy sources for nerve cells.

Even the digestive system gets significantly benefitted by Glutamine. They offer extra protection from H. pylori bacteria that is regarded as a risk factor for stomach cancer. Glutamine supplementations have proven to be beneficial in patients with Irritable bowel syndrome and Inflammatory bowel disease. Glutamine is also well-known for boosting the immunity and in the case of surgeries, reduce the duration of hospital stay.

The most talked about the effect of Glutamine is their muscle building property. Stress, both physical and mental, causes the body to use this amino acid as a source of energy. As a direct result, the amount of Glutamine stored in our body gets markedly reduced causing improper repairing. This is why most help enthusiasts suggest to take Glutamine supplements while undergoing rigorous training regimen.

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